Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sponsor a LAUP Intern!

For those of you who would enjoy personally sponsoring one of our 60 student interns, this is the spot for you!

Each intern participates in the LAUP by raising $1600 toward the cost of housing, food, and program events. For some students, finding friends and supporters to bring in the full amount is very challenging.

If you know of a certain student by name, you can click here and type in "LAUP" to find them and give to them, electronically. If you want to give to a student in need who is having a difficult time raising their funds, please contact me by clicking here, and I will give you a few names and details from which you can choose.

Thank you for your investment in LAUP...you're joining in a movement of God on behalf of the future generation and the future of our cities!

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