Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Come Take a Look Inside LAUP By Joining Our Facebook Group

For the first time ever, we're trying a LAUP Facebook group.

The purpose of this group is to help LAUP interns begin connecting before the summer and to get them thinking about some of the issues that LAUP will be about.

Director, Scott Hall, will post various videos and articles every week or so for students to watch and read and begin reflecting on. Student can interact over their responses on Facebook.

If you are interested in joining the LAUP Facebook group to learn some of what students are talking and thinking about, you can request that I add you to the group by searching Facebook for LAUP 2011 and requesting that you be added to the group.

If you are not a participant in LAUP, I ask that you keep your comments and interaction to a minimum to preserve the sense of safety and trust in the group. Thank you!

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