Friday, June 25, 2010

Wrapping Up a Great Year

Your prayers and support have made a profound impact! Steven’s story, below, is just one of hundreds of student testimonies to the power and work of God on campus over this past school year. Next year Steven (Pictured at right) will join our young team of staff interns.

One of the ways InterVarsity assesses the fruitfulness of our ministry is by doing an annual numeric assessment of our growth. Well, this year’s was astounding! To kick the year off, our students followed up with 1122 students interested in InterVarsity...more than ever before! We had 27 student-led bible studies specifically for non-believers, and 64 students made new decisions of faith (the most we've ever had in one year!) We saw huge jumps in our number of student leaders, the number of students gathering to pray, and in students going to our week-long scripture study camps at Catalina Island. Translation: more students are having a richer experience of God in college, they are having greater impact on their campuses, and God is more deeply equipping them to be a blessing to the church and the world.

June marks the end of our fiscal year as well, and so far I’ve seen donors like you provide 95% of our ministry budget. That leaves us seeking an additional $5K of gifts, so if you are in a place to consider an extra year-end gift between now and the end of June, it would come as a wonderful blessing to finish our year in the black. You can give by simply clicking the link just below or to the right.

I look forward to keeping you updated on all that God keeps doing over the summer through the Los Angeles Urban Project, and into next fall!

Summer Blessings!

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