Friday, June 25, 2010

Family and Financial Update

Our kids continue to bring us rich joy. They turned three in May, and continue to bring more of the same energy, laughter, and fun into our lives.

Lucy loves to look out for younger kids and teaches them with patience, gentleness and compassion. Here she is teaching her little one-year-old friend, Aaron Marks, to dance.

Tyler's active physicality continues to increase with age. Here he is "driving the tractor" (a real tractor) out at Catalina Island in early June with his buddies, Marcus Gee, and Jayden Mammen.

Scott will spend his summer as a co-director of the Los Angeles Urban Project, and Jenny is in the midst of her summer play season, launching one play as we speak, and running two youth programs as the summer goes on.

June marks the end of our fiscal year as well, and so far I’ve seen donors like you provide 95% of our ministry budget. That leaves us seeking an additional $5K of gifts, so if you are in a place to consider an extra year-end gift, it would come as a wonderful blessing to finish our year in the black. You can give by simply clicking the link to the right.

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