Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Students Reaching Students

I’ve never been this excited about what God’s doing on the campus.

Sharon (left) came to her first InterVarsity meeting at USC two weeks ago. Sharon is a freshman at USC who knows almost nothing about Jesus. But Christine (right), one of the InterVarsity small group leaders, met Sharon when she came by to meet Sharon's Christian roommate, Ruth (center). Ruth wasn't there...but Sharon was, and as she shared about her anxiety finding her classes, Christine offered to walk her through campus and find each of them. Christine began visiting Sharon regularly. Sharon began coming to Christine's small group Bible study...

...Two weeks ago, Ruth came to USC InterVarsity's “Overflow” meeting, and Sharon came along.

At the end of the teaching, Sharon turned to Christine and said, “Jesus sounds like one of us.” “That’s what Christianity is all about,” Christine answered. After answering several of Sharon’s questions of faith, Christine mentioned the idea of reading sections of the Bible together to discuss them. Sharon agreed on the spot and asked, “could we meet every weekend together to talk more about God?”

It’s been like that everywhere on campus these days! God is using students to reach students. From UCLA to USC, and Northridge to East LA College, students are opening themselves up to let God work through them more than I’ve ever seen in my fifteen years on staff…I can’t wait to see what God will do!

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