This summer was a parable.
For students and staff alike, this summer brought a level of spiritual vitality that was unparalleled. In the midst of living in some of the most dangerous, depressing, and avoided parts of the city we found hope, healing, and joy. We saw God's power transforming ourselves and those to whom we were serving. In the darkest valleys we saw brighter light than ever.
The irony was almost lost on us. In our last week, the directors and student leaders realized that there was an uninterpreted parable: how have we thrived when everything around us says that our summer lacked what we needed to be happy and whole? As we asked the question, the answer was obvious: we followed God's invitation to pour ourselves out for the poor...and God's Spirit met us there.
Students and staff leave with a vision for seeking God's kingdom and bringing it near to the world. They leave with deeper hope, healthier relationships, personal healing, and spiritual authority. They're equipped to speak prophetically to our culture of self-indulgence and entitlement. Most of all, they leave with a richer experience of how good God is, and how much hope there is for even the deepest brokenness of our world.
My hope and prayer is that this experience will send students on a life-long trajectory of living their lives as the presence of God in our world. I, Scott, will spend the fall and spring developing more opportunities for students to have this kind of experience.
Thank you for coming on this journey with us...I'm filled with expectation as I dream about where we're going!